
Chiropractic Balance


Chiropractic Balance

Chiropractic Balance

Chiropractic check-ups help to support long term healthy and functional bodies.

Many of the issues we see in our adult patients stem from daily habits, but also from uncorrected compensations and adaptions that occurred when they were younger.

Our body is a long kinetic chain, with many moving parts that must work together to freely function. If there is a kink or restriction anywhere along the chain, the whole body can get thrown off. and slowly start to wear. Chiropractic helps to balance your frame, and more importantly the nervous system housed within. Whether you are an athlete, an infant, a pregnant mom, or a senior... your nervous system is running the show for whatever jobs you are calling on your body to do. 

Our bodies are always working towards health, healing and balance in an amazing complex dance between us and our environment. If we pay attention and give our bodies what it needs (or take away what it doesn't), we can be here in our 70's, 80's and 90's not just feeling ok, but feeling great! 

The sooner we start paying attention to maintaining space, movement, strength and balance in our bodies, the better our health and function will be when we are older.

Keeping our bodies strong, flexible and neurologically balanced is essential to proper development, and long term health and function!

Get your whole family balanced today!!  




Prenatal Chiropractic

Prenatal Chiropractic

Prenatal Chiropractic

Chiropractic is extremely helpful in balancing the body’s frame and it’s systems, which tend to get distorted while pregnant bellies rapidly expand, and our bodies are flooded with hormones.  The prenatal chiropractic and myofacial release (massage) techniques used look to release tension from head to toe, and create full physical and neurological balance.

Since pregnant bodies are carrying more weight than normal, physical imbalances are even more pronounced.  Pre-existing imbalances in the spine and pelvis often begin to surface around 20 weeks when the belly starts growing.  Getting checked early can be very helpful in preventing common pregnancy discomfort, and regular care throughout pregnancy can help prepare the body for an easier labor and delivery.

Pregnancy chiropractic patients often report a feeling of greater ease after each visit, and relief from many common issues including:

• Back pain • Pubic symphysis pain
• Neck pain • Numbness and tingling
• Sciatic pain • Discomfort in arms and legs
• Headaches • Round ligament pain • Irritability

Dr. Elissa Diamond Fields has been specializing in prenatal chiropractic for over 10 years, and is extremely passionate about helping give babies the very best start in life by making sure their mommies feel comfortable and supported!

Dr. Diamond-Fields is certified in the Webster Technique, which works to balance the sacrum and uterine ligaments and restore proper bio-mechanics and neurological function to the pelvis. Balancing the pelvic bones and uterine ligaments encourages proper tone to the uterus, giving baby a better opportunity to find their optimal position.  

For more information on optimal baby positioning visit:

 Taking care of your body in the pre-conception, prenatal and postpartum phases prepares mommy and baby for a healthier foundation in the coming months and years.



Pediatric Chiropractic

Pediatric Chiropractic

Pediatric Chiropractic

Pediatric chiropractic care is a safe and non-invasive way to support healthy immune, neurological and physical development in babies and children. 

Why do babies and children need Chiropractic Care?

A pediatric chiropractic checkup ensures that your child's frame and neurological system are functioning optimally for health and development.

A baby’s position during the last few weeks of pregnancy, as well as the natural forces of labor and delivery can produce strain on an infant’s head and neck, particularly if the baby is not in an ideal position or with difficult, prolonged labor, device assisted delivery, and very rapid delivery as well. 

The spine is a moveable chain which houses the nervous system. Any kinks in the chain may affect both the function and development of your baby, child or teen. 

Older kids and teens are often at risk for structural imbalances and nerve interference as well due to heavy book bags, poor posture with computer use, games and TV, and through high impact sports.

ALL kids may benefit from getting checked as babies, and periodically throughout their developmental years.

For more information, please visit:  

The following are some of the many issues affected by physical imbalances in the head, spine and pelvis in infants and toddlers:

● Difficulty Breastfeeding (latch issues)
● Gas / Colic/ irritability
● Chronic Ear Infections
● Difficulty Crawling or Walking
● Bed Wetting
● Developmental Delays
● Sensory issues
● Reflux
● Difficulty sleeping
● Skull Flattening or abnormalities
● KISS sydrome (kinetic imbalance due to suboccipital stress)
   Baby may favor sleeping with head to one side
   Baby may also sleep with head extended back

More info at

Dr. Elissa Diamond-Fields has many years of post-graduate study in pediatric chiropractic and infant craniopathy. She is Webster certified and has completed the ICPA 180 hr pediatric certification program.





Pediatric cranial techniques are extremely gentle and specialized, providing drug-free support in managing and preventing many infant and childhood issues by balancing the body's neurology and structural biomechanics.

Crowding in late pregnancy, and the birth process itself can put stress on the delicate joints in an infant’s upper neck and head.

Some of the common cranial strain patterns we see in infants result from neck restriction and a head position preference. When a baby sleeps with their head always turned to one side, the soft bones in a newborn skull molds forward on the side they are lying on, sometimes causing a flat spot. Getting your baby checked early can help prevent some of these issues. It can also be beneficial to do this type of release work for those in a helmet for more rapid improvement.

The following are some of the many issues affected by distortions of the head, spine and pelvis in babies:

● Difficulty latching/Breastfeeding
● Gas / Colic/ irritability
● Chronic Ear Infections
● Difficulty Crawling or Walking
● Bed Wetting
● Developmental Delays
● Sensory issues
● Reflux
● Difficulty sleeping
● Skull Flattening or other Head shape abnormalities
● Baby may favor sleeping with head to one side
● Baby may sleep with head extended back

More info on craniopathy at:

If you’re baby is expressing any form of stress, these are important cues that should never be ignored. A structural evaluation will address the baby’s neurological system and overall tone.